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San Diego Web Design and Development Company

Business Tips

What Is A Better Way To Organize Time and Space?

“The key to organizing an alternative society is to organize people around what they can do, and more importantly, what they want to do.” - Abbie Hoffman

With the entire world’s information available just a few keystrokes away, why is it still difficult for changes to occur in our society? Why does it seem like problems appear exponentially while solutions emerge one by one? What can be done to organize activities so that they run more efficiently and effectively?

Why Is A Backup Memory Critical?

“History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life, and brings us tidings of antiquity.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

No one can change the past and no one can predict the future. The only thing we can control is what we do now. Therefore, humans creatively invented a way to bring back the past into the present when something might go wrong in the future. This invention is called saving data, documents or files and putting them into memory.


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